Saturday, January 24, 2015

It all started with the band concert...

The last few weeks have been full of taps on the shoulder from my dad.  It started with Ellie's band concert a little over a week ago.  While she was getting ready I remembered my own very first band concert in sixth grade.  Poor dad had to drive home and get the flute I had forgotten at home.  I'll give you three guesses how happy Susie was with me.  Then after enduring that horrible first sixth grade concert I remember drilling him on the way home, " What was your favorite song?"  "What did you like best about the concert?"  "Could you hear me playing on the fourth measure?"  I am sure that he was just glad that it was all over but he played along like the great dad that he was.   He listed favorite parts and favorite measures and made me feel so important. 

Tonight we had a dance party to celebrate Steve's birthday. Our friend Dustin told us of the "great mouse adventure" at his mom's apartment.   His mom had called him in a panic about a dead mouse under her bed.  He had many questions including, "how do you know it is dead?"  "how long has it been there?"  "how did it die?"  When he arrived he realized it was just an extension cord covered in dust.  This reminded me of how much fun dad used to have with dryer lint scaring mom with fake mice.

I am thankful for all of the taps on the shoulder.  I miss you every day dad!

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